
Friday, September 6, 2019

Taking Care of Yourself

We forget how the little things that we do everyday affects us. Little things like how we sit and what we snack on may affect us more than we realize. Choose to put good thoughts in your head or watch something inspiring. Notice how your posture is, how you sit for prolonged periods and how you feel when you get up.

If you're using the light therapy, read the descriptions on the card and choose what color you think you need. Pay attention to how you're feeling and what you're thinking. It's a great time to get messages from your body!

Body alignment is so very important. Whatever you are doing for your body, be sure to regularly check in with yourself to be sure that you are on the correct path for you.

Sometimes we need a bit of a break to detox and recharge.

Always check with your doctor or health professional before you try anything new or start any type of exercise program and diet.

Diary Entries of a Psychic

Monthly Manifesting Programs

Monthly Manifesting Programs
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